Wow! It has been 100 days! Today marks the 100th day we have closed the door at RAM and have gone virtual due to Covid. Throughout the last 100 days we have had the pleasure of coaching many of you virtually. Whether it has been a fitness class or online personal training. We have done group classes outdoors. Even just leaving you with more knowledge on fitness, nutrition and mindset through our blogs, we are happy we can still be with you throughout all of this. Some things have gone well, some may have not gone as well but we will take the things that have worked and continue to offer these to better your experience at RAM and hold you accountable to reaching your goals.
What has gone well for you over the past 100 days? Take some time to sit back and think about it. Now before life starts to return back to “normal”, for the things that have gone well how can you keep those things going? If you enjoyed working from home how can you make this happen? Enjoy more family time? How will you make this work going forward still? Don’t just jump back into your old ways, plan to live the day you really want. Do what you can to make it happen.
As you have now reflected back on the last 100 Days I hope that you have taken advantage of this time. What is your plan for the next 100 days? Set goals. You now know what you are capable of in 100 days, so how can you better yourself in the next 100? Maybe you didn’t take advantage of this time and your fitness slipped away from you? Well guess what. You have 100 days coming up to make use of. Where do you want to be when you look back on the next 100 days? How great would you look and feel if you stick to a plan? Now build a plan and execute it! Stick to it! You will fall off, that’s normal, just don’t stop whatever you do!
So make these next 100 days count. You can change your body and your mind so much in 100 days. You can lose weight, increase your energy, get stronger, or create a habit of working out and eating right!
At RAM we have a 90 journey for everyone. It starts from the day you come in with an initial goal setting session. As a new member we will do a 4 week check in/assessment and then another check in/goal setting session at the 90-day mark. Along the way you follow the path we will lay out for you. Whether that be through classes, personal training, online coaching and/or nutrition coaching. Checking in every quarter allows you to keep your goals at the front of your mind instead of letting them slide away. It also allows us as coaches to help you tweak your plan as your journey changes.
Current members book your 90 day check in! Book HERE. If you have not had a check in/goal setting session with us yet. Now is the time. Book now, it is free! Let us help you create the fastest path to your success!
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