1. Get up early and start your day right with movement.
Start your day off with a workout or any type of movement. This is the best way to wake up, get your mind in the right place and to feel great to take on your day. My most productive days come when I have an early morning workout. You will feel unstoppable, productive and it sets you up for success. Those who leave their workouts until later in the day are more likely to cancel or not attend a workout session. So if you have to get up an hour earlier, it may be challenging at first but it will be worth it once you create that morning routine!
2. Put good quality foods in your body first thing in the morning!
After your workout or for breakfast have good quality foods that include fruits and vegetables to help fuel and nourish your body first thing in the morning. Avoid toasts, cereals and those easy empty calorie foods. Try a smoothie, smoothie bowl, green juice, or eggs with tomato and avocado. Start your day with nutrient dense foods that will fuel you and not drain your body.
3. Have a green juice or smoothie every day.
Incorporate a green juice or smoothie every day to get more greens in. Drink freshly squeezed juices only. Make a smoothie with kale, spinach, mango, banana, cucumber and mint. This will be packed with plenty of nutrients to supply your brain and body with energy throughout the day. It is also a much better snack option then cheese and crackers or muffins.
4. Take 5 Minutes for Yourself!
Take some quiet time for yourself. Everyone is busy and rushing in today’s world. Whether it is before or after your workout or first thing in the morning before anyone else is awake. Take 5 minutes to do something that calms you. Read, listen to a podcast, meditate, pray or journal. Taking this time can help lower your blood pressure, gives you time to set a positive tone for your day and allows your body and mind to relax.
5. Find a like-minded friend to workout with to keep you accountable.
It is easier to stay consistent with an exercise routine when working out with a friend or partner. Find someone who enjoys similar workouts as you and meet them at the gym a few times each week. You can also attend classes where you know the instructor and other attendees will be there to keep you accountable every day.
Today choose one of these action steps to incorporate into your routine this week. Next week choose another. After 5 weeks you will notice a significant difference in your energy and your life.
* We are back coaching you in person! Social distancing is in effect! Personal Training and Group Classes are now available! See new class schedule here! *
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