Have you ever had a great day of exercise and eating and come home to a cake staring you in the face in the fridge? Or chips left out on the counter when you get home from work? It is going to take some willpower to not touch these things, but we know willpower is just the tip of the iceberg. The foundation of healthy eating is mindset. You can read more about mindful eating here. What we are going to talk about today is the second most important part of building a foundation of healthy habits which is environment.
When it comes to your environment we want to look at your physical environment, your social environment and your online environment. You can have all the willpower and knowledge in the world, but if you don’t have a supportive environment then your chances of success are low.
Here are a few tactics you can use to create a supportive environment.
Physical environment (your home and you work space)
-Prepare a veggie bucket and snack bucket weekly for easy access to healthy snacks
-Put any treats on the top shelf or in the basement away from where you will see them
-Keep healthy foods at eye level
-Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day at work
Social environment
-Hang out more often with people working towards the same goals as you
-Make sure who you live with knows the benefits of healthy eating and how it affects long term health for everyone not just someone trying to lose weight
-Cook dinner more often with friends when possible instead of going out to eat too often
-Do social activities with friends who may have bad habits during the day instead of the evening to avoid poor eating and alcohol choices
Online Environment
-Watch videos on how to cook healthy quick meals
-Follow gyms or health experts on Instagram or Facebook for purposeful information
-Join free nutrition webinars
-Delete any social media pages or people that do not give you value
-Join or create a recipe exchange group online
Setting up your environment is critical for long term success or else you will rely on willpower which will not last long. Create a supportive environment and watch everyone around you flourish.
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