How to get fit.

How to get fit.

How do you get fit? What is the best way? Is one method better than another? Will cycling or strength training work best or a combination of both? Maybe its yoga, pilates or crossfit that is best? How do you know which to choose? Today we will look a two simple ways...

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Don’t feel like working out?

Don’t feel like working out?

Results come to people who do the work even when they don’t want to. How is it that some people can get results and some people cannot? We know that a healthy environment and habits will get you long term results as opposed to trying to use willpower. We know that we...

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How to beat your cravings!

How to beat your cravings!

CRAVINGS, let’s talk about them. Cravings are actually a good thing, it’s your body communicating with you that it’s in need of something. The important thing to realize though is that cravings aren’t always about food, it’s about getting to the root cause and...

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The best diet.

The best diet.

What is the best diet? There are so many options how do we know what is best for our personal bodies. Is it keto, Atkins, the zone diet, intermittent fasting or low carb just to name a few. I believe the first step to finding the proper “diet” is to eliminate the term...

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Boost your immunity.

Boost your immunity.

Let’ s talk about vitamins and minerals. Below we will tell you why they are important. Just remember that we eat to fuel our body and to allow our body to function properly in order to stay healthy. Where can we get all our vitamins and minerals? Supplements? Why...

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6 Steps to Reach Your Goals.

6 Steps to Reach Your Goals.

You are ready to get in better shape or set new goals! Great! Why is it many people start and don’t follow through? Because it is hard? Usually not. Because it isn’t fun? Usually not the case. We all know workouts are going to be hard work. Why most people will not...

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Why online coaching gets you results.

Why online coaching gets you results.

It is easier than ever to find workouts to do from home. You can subscribe to many services and you can get free workouts online or on YouTube. It has never been easier to find home workouts. This is great news. What we are always striving for to improve ourselves is...

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Does willpower really work?

Does willpower really work?

I’m sure we have all been there, we’ve gotten to the point of creating the healthiest diet we can think of, the “best” workout routine that will keep us consistently active and have set HUGE goals for ourselves but within 1-2 weeks we are feeling unmotivated and...

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Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission at RAM is to provide a positive, high energy environment in which members can reach their full potential while being coached with passion and purpose. At RAM we want you to become better then when you stepped foot in the door. We want you to reach your...

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