What and When Should You Eat Before a Workout?
You may have had that feeling as you workout you feel what you just ate an hour ago in your throat. You just hope it doesn’t end up on the gym floor! Or you get so hungry half way through your workout that you cannot focus and you just want to get home to eat. “I’m...

Abs are Made in the Kitchen
Myth: Doing crunches and sit-ups will strengthen your core and flatten your stomach. Truth: You cannot spot reduce. A well balanced approach of cardio, strength and nutrition will help you maintain a healthy weight and make you feel comfortable in your body. My...

The Secret to a Flat Stomach
Doing more crunches and planks will give us a flatter and more defined stomach right? Well, if that was the case we would all have six packs. So what does it take to get rid of the excess around the midline? What’s the secret exercise? Well the secret...

How to Train the Core
How do you get a great core? Do you want a flat stomach? Do you want to see your abs? Do you just want to have a stronger core to prevent back pain? What are the best exercises to do? Today I am going to tell you the truth about “core training”. What you should...

How to Stay Consistent
You made it through January maintaining your fitness without access to a gym. Now you are back at the gym or maybe still at home working out. How do you keep moving forward and make your health and fitness a lifestyle? 1) Celebrate your small wins weekly. We all...

Eat For Health, Not For Weight Loss
We all know that we should eat clean and nutritious food. We know that it will help us maintain or lose weight. We also know it is good for our health right? I often see people who want to lose weight and the focus is to eat to lose weight. Most of the time this is...

Why You Need to do Strength Training
Many people shy away from strength training because they do not know what to do. Many are unsure of if they are using proper form and technique or even what exercises they should be doing. Some choose not to do strength training with the fear of getting big and bulky....

The Perfect Workout Plan
I once took weeks to develop the perfect workout plan. The perfect strength training routine, the perfect cardio workouts and even the perfect stretching and mobility techniques for myself. I wanted an all-encompassing program that would cover everything. It was great...

The Foundation to Building Healthy Habits
The foundation to building healthy habits: Mindset. I’m sure we have all been there, we’ve gotten to the point of creating the healthiest diet we can think of, the “best” workout routine that will keep us consistently active and have set HUGE goals for ourselves but...

How to Get Fit
Today I wanted to go back and talk about the basics. This is great for beginners but also a good reminder for veteran exercisers. How exactly do we get fit? There is no right or wrong answer. There is no right or wrong method. Yes, there are methods that suit your...