How to build a supportive environment.

How to build a supportive environment.

Yesterday we gave you a few simple habits to incorporate to make big changes. Today we will look at another factor that can help you build healthy habits easier. Environment! Your environment is critical to your success. Even if you love eating vegetables and eat well...
Five habits to change your health.

Five habits to change your health.

It is easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start when it comes to improving your nutrition. We often think we need to go on a diet or quick fix to get results, but we know that does not work long term. Think of it as doing a renovation project. You can rush...
Eating without restriction.

Eating without restriction.

Intuitive eating. Simply put, it’s the process of learning how to listen to your internal hunger cues. Learning to listen to when your body does and doesn’t need fuel, as well as how much it needs to be satisfied Diet culture has caused so many of us to fear how much...
Why meal plans don’t work.

Why meal plans don’t work.

“Can you make me a meal plan?” This is a very common question around the gym. My answer: No, meal plans don’t work. I truly believe this for most individuals looking to live a healthy lifestyle long term. People may argue that yes meal plans work, many people have had...
How will a coach get you to your goals?

How will a coach get you to your goals?

We’ve talked about why you need a coach. Find out why HERE. Then we showed you how we do coaching at RAM. How is a coach going to help you reach your goals? Well there are a few things a coach brings that will help you get to your goals. Experience. Not just...